Preview of the configurable file of the package.
Shared.SuggestionsToAdd = {
name = '/' .. Shared.RoleplayCommands['me'].Command,
help = 'Send an action message.',
params = {
{ name = 'message', help = 'The action message.' }
name = '/' .. Shared.RoleplayCommands['do'].Command,
help = 'Send a description message.',
params = {
{ name = 'message', help = 'The description message.' }
name = '/' .. Shared.RoleplayCommands['oop'].Command,
help = 'Send an out-of-character message.',
params = {
{ name = 'message', help = 'The out-of-character message.' }
name = '/' .. Shared.AdminSystem.Commands.Service,
help = 'Toggle admin duty status.',
name = '/' .. Shared.AdminSystem.Commands.Chat,
help = 'Admin duty communication channel.',
params = {
{ name = 'message', help = 'The message' }
name = '/' .. Shared.RoleplayCommands['me'].PrivateCommand,
help = 'Send a /me message to a player.',
params = {
{ name = 'id', help = 'Player ID' },
{ name = 'message', help = 'The message' }
name = '/' .. Shared.RoleplayCommands['do'].PrivateCommand,
help = 'Send a /do message to a player.',
params = {
{ name = 'id', help = 'Player ID' },
{ name = 'message', help = 'The message' }
name = '/' .. Shared.RadioCommands.Commands['radio'],
help = 'Radio communication between factions.',
params = {
{ name = 'message', help = 'The message' }
name = '/' .. Shared.RadioCommands.Commands['police-sheriff'],
help = 'Radio communication between Police and Sheriff.',
params = {
{ name = 'message', help = 'The message' }
name = '/' .. Shared.RadioCommands.Commands['police-sheriff-ambulance'],
help = 'Radio communication between Police, Sheriff, and EMS.',
params = {
{ name = 'message', help = 'The message' }
name = '/' .. Shared.RoleplayCommands['msg'].Command,
help = 'Send a private message to a player.',
params = {
{ name = 'id', help = 'Player ID' },
{ name = 'message', help = 'The message' }
name = '/' .. Shared.Styles.Commands.Change,
help = 'Change the style of JGS Chat.',
params = {
{ name = ('%s'):format(unp2(Shared.Styles.Types, 'key')) }
name = '/' .. Shared.Styles.Commands.Add,
help = 'Add a message style.',
params = {
{ name = 'name', help = 'Name of the style' },
{ name = 'url', help = 'Style URL' }
name = '/' .. Shared.Styles.Commands.Template,
help = 'Copy the chat template to modify.',
name = '/' .. Shared.RoleplayCommands['requestid'].Command,
help = 'Request a player’s ID.',
params = {
{ name = 'player', help = 'The name of the requested player.'}
name = '/' .. Shared.RandomSystem.Commands.Dices,
help = 'Roll the dice (1-6).',
name = '/' .. Shared.RandomSystem.Commands.Try,
help = 'Attempt something with this command.',
name = '/' .. Shared.RoleplayCommands['tweet'].Command,
help = 'Send a tweet message.',
params = {
{ name = 'message', help = 'The tweet message' }
name = '/' .. Shared.RoleplayCommands['anontweet'].Command,
help = 'Send an anonymous tweet message.',
params = {
{ name = 'message', help = 'The tweet message' }
name = '/setjob',
help = 'Change a player’s job.',
params = {
{ name = 'id', help = 'Player ID' },
{ name = 'job', help = 'Job name' },
{ name = 'grade', help = 'Job grade' },
name = '/giveitem',
help = 'Give items to a player.',
params = {
{ name = 'id', help = 'Player ID' },
{ name = 'item', help = 'Item name' },
{ name = 'amount', help = 'Item quantity' },
name = '/setgroup',
help = 'Change a player’s group.',
params = {
{ name = 'id', help = 'Player ID' },
{ name = 'group', help = 'Group name' }
name = '/dv',
help = 'Delete vehicle.',
params = {
{ name = 'radius', help = 'Deletion radius.'}
name = '/clear',
help = 'Clear the chat.',
name = '/cls',
help = 'Clear the chat.',
name = '/clearall',
help = 'Clear the chat for the entire server.',
name = '/car',
help = 'Spawn a vehicle.',
params = {
{ name = 'vehicle', help = 'Vehicle hash.'}
name = '/fix',
help = 'Fix the vehicle.',
params = {
{ name = 'id', help = 'Player ID.'}
name = '/revive',
help = 'Revive a player.',
params = {
{ name = 'id', help = 'Player ID.'}
Shared.CommandsToRemoveInSuggestions = {
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