Preview of the configurable file of the package.
Shared = {}
Language = {}
Shared.Framework = 'auto' -- auto, ESX or QBCore
Shared.Language = 'auto' -- auto, en or es
-- General Settings
Shared.GeneralSettings = {
Debug = false,
TransformMessages = true,
DefaultCommand = 'oop', -- Shared.RoleplayCommands['oop'].Command
ErrorOnInvalidCommand = true,
EnableHelpMessages = true
Shared.Chat = { -- Key Mapping Settings
Command = 'openchat',
Key = 'T'
Shared.Styles = {
Enable = true,
TimeOut = true,
DefaultStyle = '1',
Commands = {
Change = 'style',
Add = 'styleAdd',
Template = 'styleTemplate'
Types = {
['1'] = 'css/default.css',
['2'] = 'css/rounded.css',
['3'] = 'css/ocean.css',
Shared.RoleplayCommands = { -- Roleplay Commands System
['me'] = {
Enable = true,
Command = 'me',
PrivateCommand = 'pme',
['do'] = {
Enable = true,
Command = 'do',
PrivateCommand = 'pdo',
['oop'] = {
Enable = true,
Command = 'oop',
['requestid'] = {
Enable = true,
Command = 'pid',
['tweet'] = {
Enable = true,
Command = 'tweet',
['anontweet'] = {
Enable = true,
Command = 'anon',
['msg'] = {
Enable = true,
Command = 'msg',
Shared.NameConfigs = {
Enable = true,
OnlyFirstname = false,
InGameName = true,
-- Random Commands System
Shared.RandomSystem = {
Enable = true,
Commands = {
Dices = 'dices',
Try = 'try'
-- Admin System
Shared.AdminSystem = {
Enable = true,
Commands = {
Chat = 'sc',
Service = 'service',
Invisible = 'inv'
Ranks = {
Shared.RadioCommands = {
Enable = true,
Commands = {
['radio'] = 'r',
['police-sheriff'] = 'rf',
['police-sheriff-ambulance'] = 'rff'
Jobs = {
['police'] = 'police',
['sheriff'] = 'sheriff',
['ambulance'] = 'ambulance'
Shared.EmergencyAlert = { -- Visit Docs to see how to configure this system (
Enable = true,
AlertCommand = 'sendEmergencyAlert-proximity'
Shared.Compatibilities = {
['lb-phone'] = {
Enable = false
['origen_police'] = { -- BETA: This is a beta feature, it may not work as expected
Enable = false,
['abp_headFriend'] = {
Enable = false,
ScriptName = 'abp_headFriend'
-- System Commands
Shared.SystemCommands = {
Info = '+info-systemcommand',
Error = '+error-systemcommand',
Jgs = {
['image'] = '../../web/img/jgs.ico',
Shared.Blacklist = { -- Words that will be blocked in the chat
Enable = true,
Words = {
Shared.Cooldown = {
Enable = true,
Time = { -- Seconds
Proximity = 0.5,
Global = 5
Last updated
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